Linux Tutorial Series

Linux Tutorial Series – 198 – That’s it!

Here is the video version, if you prefer it:

That’s it. We are done with our Linux journey. I hope it’s been a joyful ride. I hope you have confidence that you have a firm grasp of the basics of Linux and if you need to explore any additional parts of Linux you will have a great sense of where it fits in into the bigger picture.

May the force of the penguin be with you from this point on!

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed the ride!

Linux Tutorial Series

Linux Tutorial Series – 197 – Recap

Here is the video version, if you prefer it:

Let’s recap what we learned about shell scripting:

  • Shell scripts are files that contain commands (alongside some shell scripting keywords)
  • Use shell scripts to manipulate files; if you find yourself manipulating strings or doing arithmetic work, do something else
  • A line starting with #! is called a shebang
  • A line starting with a # is called a comment – it is ignored by the interpreter and serves only for human understanding of the shell script
  • Use single quotations unless you have a very good reason not to
  • There are special variables – for example, $1 corresponds to the first argument in your script – as well as some other ones
  • Exit codes tell you “how did the command do”
  • If statement follows the logic of “if this then that”
  • Else statement follows the logic of “if this then that, if not (else) then the other thing”
  • Logical operators are used to combine tests together
  • You can test for various conditions in a test
  • Use a case construct instead of a lot of elifs
  • for is used for iteration
  • Command substitution can be used to put the output of the command in a variable or to pass it as input to another command
  • You can read user input with read variableName

I hope you refreshed your memory!

Linux Tutorial Series

Linux Tutorial Series – 196 – Things I never used in shell scripting

This is the video version, if you prefer it:

There are things I never used in shell scripting, such as sed, awk, basename etc. Since shell scripts are composed mostly of commands, the commands I never used on the command line I have never used in shell scripts as well.

I covered everything I deemed important for shell scripting, but if you encounter something you don’t understand, feel free to use Google or reference (Shotts, 2019)⁠. Although a caveat: (Shotts, 2019)⁠ seems to take the stance of “show a whole lot of features of shell scripting” where I am more biased towards “learn only the essentials of shell scripting and use other programming languages for activities other than file manipulation”. Just a difference to keep in mind.

Thank you for reading!


Shotts, W. (2019). The Linux Command Line, Fifth Internet Edition. Retrieved from Part 4 – Writing Shell Scripts

Linux Tutorial Series

Linux Tutorial Series – 195 – Fixing errors

Here is the video version, if you prefer it:

Fixing errors, also known as troubleshooting, is a process or removing errors from your bash script.

If you adhere to the rule which I laid out before, which was “Use single quotes to enclose values unless you have a concrete reason not to”, you will be fine most of the time. For the times when you are not fine, literally copy and paste the error message you’re getting into Google and you will get some suggestions.

There is a finely written piece on this in (Shotts, 2019)⁠, which again, let me remind you, is free on the World Wide Web, so go read it.

Thank you for reading!


Shotts, W. (2019). The Linux Command Line, Fifth Internet Edition. Retrieved from Pages 454-467

Linux Tutorial Series

Linux Tutorial Series – 194 – Reading user input

Here is the video version, if you prefer it:

You can read user input in shell scripts. (Ward, 2014)⁠

Here is an example of a script which reads user input:


read name

echo "My name is $name"

Notice how I used the double quotes to make the shell expand my variable. My variable, by the way, is called name. read name prompts the user for input and when the user inputs the information (and presses Enter), that input is stored in the variable named name.

Here is how it works:

mislav@mislavovo-racunalo:~/Linux_folder$ ./


My name is Mislav

As you already know, you can read user input through arguments that you pass to your shell script. I don’t know which way is the better way and which way is more idiomatic to the shell, but I’d opt for passing values as arguments to the script and then doing checks on the arguments at the beginning of the script. You can also do these checks after reading something in a variable (such as “Is the string that the user inputted empty?”), but I think that doing these checks after each read is tedious; much better to do them at the beginning of the script. Again, not certain which way is idiomatic to the shell and both exist so both must be fine, but I am unsure.

Hope you learned something useful!


Ward, B. (2014). How Linux Works: What Every Superuser Should Know (2nd ed.). No Starch Press. Page 269

Linux Tutorial Series

Linux Tutorial Series – 193 – Command substitution

Here is the video version, if you prefer it:

You can take a result of a command and store it in a variable or use the result of that first command as an argument for another command. This is called command substitution. (Ward, 2014)⁠

Here is an example of command substitution in a sample script:


LINES=$(grep 'a' aba.txt)

for word in $LINES


echo $word


We first take every line that has the character a in the file aba.txt and then we store it in the variable LINES. Then we iterate over each word in the variable LINES and we print it. Why does LINES contain words, not lines? It contains lines indeed, but words that make up those lines are separated by a space (you can see so yourself by putting echo $LINES just before the for loop) and since each space is interpreted as a delimiter in a sequence, we get individual words.

Here is the output (along with aba.txt contents):

mislav@mislavovo-racunalo:~/Linux_folder$ cat aba.txt

Mustard is how we transfer wealth

Some stuff Abba Mustard

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It's the Mustard

In the Rich Man's World


Mustard is how we transfer wealth




mislav@mislavovo-racunalo:~/Linux_folder$ ./







A simple example of using the result of the first command as an input to another command is echo $(ls). We use the output of ls and we echo it.

Thank you for reading!


Ward, B. (2014). How Linux Works: What Every Superuser Should Know (2nd ed.). No Starch Press. Pages 263-264

Linux Tutorial Series

Linux Tutorial Series – 192 – while and until loops

Here is the video version, if you prefer it:

while and until loops are used for iteration, the same as for loops. However, I won’t teach you these. Why? Because, as (Ward, 2014)⁠ says, if you ever need a while loop (or an until loop), it’s a good time to move to another programming language. I agree.

I will tell you that (“Bash While Loop Examples,” n.d.)⁠ and a Google search will teach you, if you really must use them. But again, I will repeat myself: If you need to use a while or an until loop, switch to another programming language.

Thank you for reading!


Bash While Loop Examples. (n.d.). Retrieved February 22, 2020, from

Ward, B. (2014). How Linux Works: What Every Superuser Should Know (2nd ed.). No Starch Press. Pages 262-263

Linux Tutorial Series

Linux Tutorial Series – 191 – for loops

Here is the video version, if you prefer it:

for loops are used for iterating. Iterating means going over a sequence of values.

Here is an example of a for loop, modeled after (“Bash For Loop Examples,” n.d.)⁠.


for i in 1 2 3 4 5


echo $i


This will produce the following output:

mislav@mislavovo-racunalo:~/Linux_folder$ ./






What just happened? The variable i first took on the value of 1 (the first element in the sequence). Then it echoed its value. Then variable i took the next value in the sequence (the value after the value it currently had). So i was 2. Then 2 got outputted – and so on until the end of the sequence.

You can specify numerical sequences more easily (the above one could have been written as {1..5}) and you can iterate over other sequences (not just numbers, but other things – files for example). I leave you to consult the reference and Google for some further examples.

Hope you learned something useful!


Bash For Loop Examples. (n.d.). Retrieved February 22, 2020, from

Linux Tutorial Series

Linux Tutorial Series – 190 – case statement

Here is the video version, if you prefer it:

Today let’s talk about the case statement. case statement is used to replace a lot of elif statements. Here is our entire script with the same functionality it had before, rewritten using a case statement:


case $1 in


echo 'Hello back to you!'



echo 'Hi!'



echo 'You are rude.'



Here is how the case statement works:

  1. You tell case which argument you are testing (more specifically, pattern matching) – we are testing the argument passed to the script in the first position ($1)
  2. case goes through the list of patterns (each pattern ends in a )) and if it finds a matching pattern, the code between the ) and the ;; is executed and then it skips to esac
  3. esac denotes the end of the case statement

The case statement does not evaluate any exit codes, it just matches patterns.

Here are some things to note: (Ward, 2014)⁠

  • multiple strings can be matched with | – if I put ‘Hi!’|’Hi’ I would match both “Hi!” and “Hi” and that line would look like 'Hi!'| ‘Hi’)
  • * matches a case which is unmatched by any other case

Hope you found this useful!


Ward, B. (2014). How Linux Works: What Every Superuser Should Know (2nd ed.). No Starch Press. Pages 261-262

Linux Tutorial Series

Linux Tutorial Series – 189 – Testing conditions

Here is the video version, if you prefer it:

In our script, we have tested if our first argument equals a certain string, that is:

[ "$1" = 'Hello' ]

there are other tests as well. You can test files (for example, if a file is a regular file), integers and strings. I won’t cover that here and will leave you this resource to look at if you want to learn more about these tests: (“Chapter 7. Tests,” n.d.)⁠ Relevant sections are 7.2 and 7.3.

But remember, no matter what test you are using, the gist of it is: “If this is true (if the exit code is 0) then do this, if not, do the other thing”.

Hope you learned something useful!


Chapter 7. Tests. (n.d.). Retrieved February 22, 2020, from Sections 7.2 and 7.3