Linux Tutorial Series

Linux Tutorial Series – 191 – for loops

Here is the video version, if you prefer it:

for loops are used for iterating. Iterating means going over a sequence of values.

Here is an example of a for loop, modeled after (“Bash For Loop Examples,” n.d.)⁠.


for i in 1 2 3 4 5


echo $i


This will produce the following output:

mislav@mislavovo-racunalo:~/Linux_folder$ ./






What just happened? The variable i first took on the value of 1 (the first element in the sequence). Then it echoed its value. Then variable i took the next value in the sequence (the value after the value it currently had). So i was 2. Then 2 got outputted – and so on until the end of the sequence.

You can specify numerical sequences more easily (the above one could have been written as {1..5}) and you can iterate over other sequences (not just numbers, but other things – files for example). I leave you to consult the reference and Google for some further examples.

Hope you learned something useful!


Bash For Loop Examples. (n.d.). Retrieved February 22, 2020, from

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